Women's History Month

A Tradition of Love & Service
Growing up I was surrounded by women. I lived with my mom, and while my dad was a big part of my life, I lived in the home with my mom, and my grandmother and my aunties. I grew up with them and a whole tribe of women and who really shaped and informed who I am.

I had a nurturing space with women who are, even today, very intentional about love and service. I grew up in the projects, and the way we lived, we were encouraged to give to our neighbors and get involved. My mom was always volunteering and joining different groups to improve our community, and I always say how dope it was (and it still is) watching her make everyone feel like family.

Serving women through DevoCenter is genuinely an extension of my upbringing - and a real joy for me. I'm grateful that I get the opportunity to do work that I love with people that I care about deeply. We are taking action to improve conditions for our children, and putting some good energy and love out into the world. I'm glad to be able to share stories about women who make our world a better place.

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Embracing the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Embracing the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As we commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, we reflect on the profound impact of Dr. King's legacy on our mission and work. This day resonates deeply with our commitment to service-learning and community service. We proudly embrace the legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. King's philosophy of love and service in our communities is a cornerstone of our commitment. Our dedication to service-learning offers a practical and profound way to honor Dr. King's vision. It's not just about volunteering, it's learning about our world, and ourselves, and the value of working together. It’s about taking action that aligns to the vision we have for our communities and contributing to the social good.

King's 'Beloved Community' is not just a dream but a call to action, urging us to actively work towards creating a just, compassionate, and equitable world​​​​​​​​. His vision emphasizes a global community where conflicts are resolved peacefully, and resources are shared equitably.

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Giving Tuesday Tech Mini-Grants from DevoCenter Digital

Giving Tuesday Tech Mini-Grants

This Giving Tuesday, DevoCenter Digital is proud to support educational nonprofits through its Tech Mini-Grants. We are recognizing and rewarding Changemakers who utilize technology to achieve their missions. This year we are awarding two (2) $300 grants to nonprofits who are using social media to tell their stories and reach their communities with messages that matter. The funding is meant to help with tech expenses like web hosting or design applications, but leaders are free to put the resources wherever they are most needed.

Technology informs the way we communicate, learn, and grow in the world around us. For nonprofits technology offers tools to create awareness, connect with their audiences and supporters, and open up avenues for advocacy and outreach.

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DevoCenter's Board of Directors - Thank You!

Board of Directors - Thank You!

This season we are grateful for DevoCenter's Board of Directors. These women continue to provide the support and leadership needed for our organization to move confidently into our next season of growth.

As we reflect on the past year and look ahead to the future, we deeply appreciate their invaluable contributions. We're enthusiastic about the work of improving conditions for women leading educational nonprofits and for the young people they serve.

Together we are building better nonprofits. If that's important to you too, we hope you will join us in supporting women at work in our neighborhoods.

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DevoCenter Community News | Fall 2023

The Women We Serve | Strengthening Communities and Shaping Our Future

The heart of our community is the extraordinary women we serve. Nonprofit leaders with a common goal of improving our neighborhoods and helping young people grow, learn and show love. These women are compassionate and dedicated to delivering programs that educate and nurture tomorrow's changemakers.

Here we are highlighting the impact and innovation of the nonprofits that makeup the DevoCenter community. We are proud of their continued efforts and grateful for the opportunity to support their work. As we celebrate their achievements, we also recognize the strength of the collective, the power of a network that comes together to uplift and propel each other forward.

Continue reading to learn about and support our communities educational programming. If you're interested in joining us we have a free meetup in December and we're now accepting applications for next year's mastermind group.

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Celebrating National Nonprofit Day: Leading with Love, Creativity and Best Practices

Celebrating National Nonprofit Day: Leading with Love, Creativity and Best Practices
On National Nonprofit Day we reflect on the contributions of nonprofit leaders who dedicate their time, passion, and skills to shaping a brighter future. These leaders are driven by a shared commitment to community service, advocacy, and positive change. They are not just individuals in leadership roles; they are the heart and soul of organizations that work tirelessly to make a difference.

Let's recognize and appreciate the efforts of nonprofit leaders who continue to shape the world that we live in. If you'd like to support women who are enthusiastic, connected to their causes, and dedicated to learning, consider giving to DevoCenter for Service-Learning. Your financial support helps provide resources, education, and opportunities that empower leaders and prepare them for success.

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DevoCenter Changemaker Stories

Community Changemakers
DevoCenter Changemakers are enthusiastic, connected their causes, and dedicated to learning that uplifts and prepares young people for success. These dedicated leaders care about love, learning and leadership in our neighborhoods, and they are challenging us to think differently about the ways that we live, work and serve our communities.

These ladies are inspiring their teams and making a significant impact in their neighborhoods. Their dedication and passion for creating positive change is evident in their work. They are not just leaders but also role models who are excited about making a real difference in the lives of young people.

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Spring Newsletter | Women In Nonprofit Leadership

Spring Newsletter | Women In Nonprofit Leadership
Happy Spring everyone! So many fun things are happening at DevoCenter.

I’m grateful for new partnerships and relationships that contribute to my personal and professional development, and I’m happy with our progress towards delivering programs that support and empower nonprofit entrepreneurs. - Charlene

Meetup for Women in Nonprofits | Nonprofit Storytelling - Learn how to communicate your organization's vision, mission, and programs with excellent bios, budgets, and logic models. Share Your Vison, Mission and Program: How do you describe your organizations vision and the work that you do? Learn how excellent bios, budgets, and logic models prepare you for successful fundraising. Register Here

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Our First Meetup for Women in Nonprofits

Zoom Women in Nonprofits Meetup Recap
On March 9th, 2023 we hosted a virtual meet and greet to connect inspiring women from different backgrounds who are making a difference in their communities.

We came together to share our experience in nonprofit leadership and to discuss the transformative impact of affirming one another and celebrating our wins. We also spent some time exploring the benefits of a nonprofit mastermind and started the conversation about what professional services leaders need most.

Our Next Meetup
We’ll be hosting meetups quarterly with the next free event happening in June. meetup.devocenterdigital.org

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Support Summer Service-Learning for Inner-City Youth

Support Summer Service-Learning for Inner-City Youth
With funder support we’re working with nonprofit leaders ready to design and deliver meaningful summer youth programs. Participating organizations will each receive development support and a stipend of $5,000 to help their groups implement service-learning programs and assess impact on learner and community.

Through this program young people will: 1) experience improved social-emotional wellness, 2) gain an appreciation for civic engagement, and acquire new knowledge and skills.

Working with our curriculum partners we will prepare service-learning presentations, protocols, lesson plans, reflection exercises and assessments tools, and make them available for free download at DevoCenterDigital.org.

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Year In Review 2021

Year In Review 2021

Our inaugural email newsletter was sent to friends, colleagues, nonprofit leaders and community partners interested in our work to support educational nonprofits, women in leadership, and young people in communities nationwide.

Subscribe to our email list for DevoCenter news and updates, nonprofit resources, and professional learning opportunities for nonprofit and community leaders.


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Marcy Scholarship Fund Granted $25,000 to Support Brooklyn's Finest Students

Marcy Scholarship Fund Granted $25,000 to Support Brooklyn's Finest Students

With the support and votes of their Brooklyn community and partners nationwide, Marcy Scholarship Fund was granted $25,000 in the State Farm Neighborhood Assist Competition.

Marcy Houses Memorial Scholarship Fund exists to encourage and motivate post-secondary students from the Marcy Houses in Brooklyn, NY, and strategize with them to complete a course of study.

Their vision is higher education, economic achievement and social well-being for all Marcy Houses students. In service of this vision, they provide financial support and mentorship to first and second year college or trade school students who live in Marcy Houses.

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DevoCenter's 1st Annual Stakeholders Meeting

1st Annual Stakeholders Meeting

In September 2020 DevoCenter received 501c3 status, and in November we held our 1st Annual Stakeholders Meeting.

We invited board members, staff and program partners to meet online to discuss our progress and goals for the year ahead.

I’m really grateful and proud of the fact that I have a great group of friends and women who support me in life and in my business. I've poured my heart into bringing this vision to life. I recognize that this work is strengthened by many different perspectives, so their questions, insights and feedback are of extraordinary value.

Here are the slides from that event.

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